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Professional Activities

Executive Producer // MediaLab // 2018

Produced “A World of Difference: El Paso, Texas", part of an originally produced documentary series that investigated issues of diversity in the United States. Recipient of a College Division 2018 National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (Emmy) Northwest Chapter Award Nomination in the long-form non-fiction category.


Executive Producer // MediaLab // 2018

Seattle, Washington

Produced “A World of Difference: Sedalia, Missouri”, part of an originally produced documentary series that investigates issues of diversity in the United States. Recipient of a College Division 2018 National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (Emmy) Northwest Chapter Award Nomination in the long-form non-fiction category.


Executive Producer // MediaLab // February 2018

Seattle, Washington

Produced “A World of Difference: Sedalia, Missouri", part of an originally produced documentary series that investigates issues of diversity in the United States.  Recipient of a College Division 2018 National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (Emmy) Northwest Chapter Award Nomination in the long-form non-fiction category.


Executive Producer // MediaLab // February 2018

Seattle, Washington

Produced “A World of Difference: Portland, Oregon”, part of an originally produced documentary series that investigates issues of diversity in the United States. Premiered in Seattle February 2018.


Executive Producer // MediaLab // February 2018​

Seattle, Washington

Produced “A World of Difference: Richwood, West Virginia”, part of an originally produced documentary series that examines issues of diversity in the United States. 


Executive Producer/Premiere Moderator // MediaLab // November 2016​

Tacoma, Washington

Produced “Changing Currents: Protecting North America’s Rivers”, an originally produced documentary that explores the economic, social, political and environmental threats to the waterways of the United States and Canada.  Premiered in Tacoma November 2016. Winner of a 2017 First Place Grand Prize Award in the long-form documentary category from the National Broadcasting Society and an assortment of other awards. 


Executive Producer/Premiere Moderator // MediaLab // November 2015​

Seattle, Washington

Moderated the originally produced documentary “These Four Years” that considered 21st Century attitudes and values in North America with regard to earning a four-year college degree. Winner of a 2016 First Place Grand Prize Award in the long-form documentary category from the National Broadcasting Society and a College Division 2016 Emmy nomination. 


Executive Producer/Premiere Moderator // MediaLab // November 2014​

Tacoma, Washington

Produced and moderated the public forum following the public premiere of “Waste Not: Breaking Down the Food Equation”, which explored the implications of food waste on a global scale. 


Curator, archivist and administrator // National Forensics Oral History Archive, Pi Kappa Delta // 2010

Tacoma, Washington

In Fall 2010, appointed curator, archivist and administrator of the National Forensics Oral History Archive, an online repository for videos, photographs and other artifacts that celebrate the history of speech and debate in the United States.  Administered by MediaLab at Pacific Lutheran University. 


Festival Presenter // Newfilmmakers New York // March 26, 2014

New York City, New York

Presented “Overexposed: The Cost of Compassion” at the New York City Filmmakers Anthology Series.


Executive Producer/Premiere Moderator // MediaLab // October 2013

Seattle, Washington

Produced and moderated the discussion of “Tapped Out: Unearthing the Global Water Crisis,” which investigated the many threats to global water supplies from pollution, population growth, over-consumption and other factors. Nominated for a College Division Emmy and recipient of many other recognitions. 


Executive Producer // MediaLab // March 2013

Seattle, Washington

Produced “Beyond Burkas and Bombers: Islamaphobia in America,” an original film that examined religious intolerance in the United States.” 


Festival Presenter // Awareness Film Festival // May 2012

Los Angeles, California

Guest Lecturer about Canadian Studies and student-faculty research at the University of California-Berkeley following a private screening of “Illicit Exchanges: Canada, the U.S. and Crime,” the College Division 2009 Emmy Award-winning MediaLab documentary film.


Executive Producer/Premiere Moderator // MediaLab // October 2012

Seattle, Washington

Moderated the public forum  at the Seattle Central Public Library that followed the Seattle premiere of a documentary film “Overexposed: The Cost of Compassion”, which explored the dimensions of compassion and the effects of overexposure to trauma and tragedy. 


Executive Producer/Premiere Moderator // MediaLab // October 2010

Seattle, Washington

Moderated the public forum at the Seattle Central Public Library that followed the premiere of a “Oil Literacy”.  Discussion expounded upon the implications of North America’s continued dependence on fossil fuels and the growing demands for oil in developing countries. 


Executive Producer/Premiere Moderator // MediaLab // May 2010

Seattle, Washington

Produced and moderated the forum of “New American Family: Defining Commitment in a Changing Society”. Discussion further explored the shifting definition of family and marriage in contemporary times. Public forum was held in the Microsoft Auditorium of the Seattle Central Public Library.


Executive Producer/Premiere Moderator // MediaLab // 2009

Tacoma, Washington

of “Point of Entry: Migrating to North American” public forum following documentary premiere that explored the historical and contemporary experiences of immigrants to the U.S. and Canada. Served as executive producer of the documentary event and panelist moderator following the premiere, which occurred at Washington State History Museum.


Presenter // Association of Canadian Studies // November 2009

San Diego, California

Presented at 2009 Association of Canadian Studies in the United States Biennial Conference, on documentary “Point of Entry: Migrating to North America."


Executive Producer/Premiere Moderator // MediaLab // May 2009

Tacoma, Washington

Producer and moderator of “A Hard Trade: Rebuilding Broken Lives” event,  a documentary premiere and subsequent public forum that examined a unique vocational program at the Washington Corrections Center for Women. Served as executive producer of the documentary and panelist moderator following the premiere at the Tacoma Public Library.


Presenter // Canada Days Celebration // February 2009

Fairbanks, Alaska

Presented at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks on the production of “Illicit Exchanges: Canada, the U.S. & Crime” and “Building Connections: Reclaiming Lost Narratives of the Alaska-Canada Highway,” two multi-media student-faculty research projects conducted in 2006-2007 and 2007-2008. Presentations occurred on the campus of UA-F February, 26 and 27, 2009.


Presenter // The University of Washington // February 2009

Tacoma, Washington

Presented Black History Month observance on the production of “Building Connections: Reclaiming Lost Narratives of the Alaska-Canada Highway,” a multi-media student-faculty research project conducted 2006-2007. Presentation on the campus of the University of Washington in Tacoma, Washington.


Presenter // Pacific Northwest Canadian Studies Consortium // January 2009

Portland, Oregon


Presenter // Pacific Northwest Canadian Studies Consortium // 2009

Portland, Oregon

Presented at the 2009 Pacific Northwest Canadian Studies Consortium Annual General Meeting on the production of “Illicit Exchanges: Canada, the U.S. & Crime,” a multi-media student-faculty research project conducted 2007-2008. 


Executive Producer/Premiere Moderator // MediaLab // October 2008

Seattle, Washington

Served as executive producer of the documentary event and panelist moderator following the premiere of Illicit Exchanges: Canada, the U.S. & Crime” event,  a documentary premiere and subsequent public forum intended to explore incidents of gangs, drugs and cross-border crime. 


Presenter // Pacific Northwest Canadian Studies Consortium // 2008

Vancouver, British Columbia


Presenter // MediaLab // 2007

Tacoma, Washington

Presented on the production of “Building Connections: Reclaiming Lost Narratives of the Alaska-Canada Highway,” a multi-media student-faculty research project conducted 2006-2007. 


Presenter // International Conference of Canadian Studies // 2008

Ontario, Canada

Presented at the International Conference of Canadian Studies, on a conference paper titled “Canada Exposed: Canada, the United States and Violent Crime,” a student-faculty research project.


Presenter // International Conference of Canadian Studies // 2007

Ontario, Canada

Presented at the Association of Canadian Studies in the United States Biennial Conference, on conference paper titled “Reclaiming Lost Narratives of the Alaska-Canada Highway: Black U.S. Soldiers, World War II and Legacies of the Alaska-Canada Highway".


Executive Producer/Premiere Panelist // MediaLab // 2007

Tacoma, Washington

Served as executive producer of the documentary event and discussion panelist following the premiere of “Building Connections: Reclaiming Lost Narratives of the Alaska-Canada Highway."  The documentary premiere and subsequent public forum were aimed at celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Alaska-Canada Highway. 


Executive Producer/Premiere Moderator // MediaLab // November 2007

Seattle, Washington

Produced “Building Connections: Reclaiming Lost Narratives of the Alaska-Canada Highway” and moderated the premiere event.  This involved the Seattle screening of the documentary followed by a discussion aimed at celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Alaska-Canada Highway. 


Presenter // Broadcast Education Association // April 2007

Las Vegas, Nevada

Presented at the Broadcast Education Association 2007 Conference, on “Turning Practical Newsroom Experience into Practical Pedagogy."


Presenter // Broadcast Education Association // April 2007

Las Vegas, Nevada

Presented at the conference on “Live from the Classroom!: Best Practices for Teaching Live Reporting."

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